Saturday, December 13, 2014

Some updates // Hiatus

Hi guys so by looking at the title you can already know what this post is going to be about HAHA. Yes, i'll be away from blogger until my test ends which is on the 17th.

I'm happy that some of you all are still checking out this space despite the lack of posts because this month has been a really really hectic month with all the tests, projects and presentations coming up. But i'm glad that all these will be over soon (Nah, not really. They'll be back after my holidays sobs) because there is only just 1 more week to go !!!

I'll update as soon as i'm free. Even though all the tests and stuffs officially ends on the 17th but i'll still need to spend some time clearing up some overdue-d work. And yeah my work desk needs some clearing up too umm cos it looks really hideous right now.

So when my holidays officially starts on the 20th dec and ends on 4th jan. Sucks how i only have 16 days of holiday.
Some of my time will be spent on working but i'll only be working for 4 days in december. Well, this is a good thing because i don't really have much time to catch up on my school work. I will be going to Malaysia for christmas for 4 days. So 8 days, including my workdays, are just gone like that.
This means that i'll only have around 5 days for school work ?? Considering that there are some days where i'll be going out, be it with my family or with my friends. I really hope i can last through next week.

I actually have a couple of blog posts, one of it being TIB #3, that i've saved under drafts but i'm unable to post them because i'm not done editing the photos yet. I'll be back !

If you haven't seen all my previous TIBs, check them out here : TIB #1 // TIB #2 !

Till then, xx.