So at the last week of my short break, i've finally found some time to blog because i'm doing some e-learing stuffs right now on my laptop and i was like "why not blog a little ?" so yeah.
So, 2014 for me has been a really hectic year for me. It was also a year whereby i had to deal with a lot of changes in my life.
2014 was the year where i started schooling in poly where the culture and everything is different from secondary school life. Totally different. So i took quite sometime to adjust because in poly, i'll have to be independent and all.
It was also the year whereby i had to go to a school without my clique who i've stuck closely with throughout my secondary 4 life. I have to make new friends again and fret about the things that i'm going to wear to school every morning
2014 made me realise a lot of things too; what is more important and how i should set my priorities right, don't force things and just let them happen.
But all those aside, i'm really glad that i'm made it through 2014 which is undoubtedly one of the hardest year for me. I'm also thankful to those who have stayed with me.
I had also set my new year resolutions for 2014 back then, and i'm proud (not really tbh) to say that i've achieved 3.5 out of 5 of it. Pfft not all 5 tho.
1) Be more socialable and friendly (because i didn't want to be alone LOL)
Yes i did achieve this goal eventually. And i've made really good friends and classmates too ! But to be very honest, this goal is pretty simple hurhur.
2) Lead a healthier lifestyle than 2013
Yes i've became really healthy in terms of the food i ate. Like i actually ate lesser carbs and refrained myself from eating after 8pm. But nope, i did not achieve my goal of below 50kg (Now that i think about it, it's really impossible but i'm still gonna try). But i can say that i'm pretty close to it already. Because i can't possibly stop myself from eating all those yummy food (and yummy food are always unhealthy)
3) Don't overthink too much
HAH this is where the 0.5 came from out of the 3.5. I did not really completely overthink. But i dare say that i've actually overthink a lot lesser already. Partly because of my busy life that i don't have the time to ?
Nope i wasn't able to do that. It's human nature, i guess, that you can't completely shut off your feelings towards things.
5) Do what i really want to do (which is basically shopping hehe)
This is the one which i'm really sure that i've achieved because now looking back, i realised that i've bought a shitload of clothes and beauty products. TIB#3 is coming up soon (i hope) and even i myself is shocked at the amount of stuffs i bought. Oh god.
Yes, the same old thing, "a new year, a brand new beginning".
And here comes the new year resolutions part and i'm prolly gonna repeat some points from above.
1) Lead a healthier lifestyle than 2014
So since this whole thing of "leading a healthier lifestyle" thing did actually worked out quite a bit for me last year, it's only right for me to put it for this year again because i've yet to achieve that goal i've set for myself in 2013.
Weight aside but i think that leading a healthier lifestyle is really important and tbh, my body also feels better because i'm actually consuming healthier food most of the time.
2) Set my priorities right
2015 is going to be another busy year for me. Because in march, i'll be having both my finals and also my grade 7 piano exam. Fml i can't even man. And then it will also be the year whereby i'll proceed from Year 1 to Year 2. Oh my, time flies isn't it ?
3) Do what i really want to do
Yes la it means more of shopping ! HAHA. But since i already have a weekend job which is just 6 hours weekly and i still find it pretty manageable, it can give me some monthly income. Same as last year, i'll be setting aside some of my salary to save and then another portion to give to my parents and the rest will be the money that i get to spend on myself. Clothes, facial products, etc.
And it feels really good tho, to spend the money that you've earned on yourself.
4) Let go of the past ("the past is what's actually holding you back")
By the past, i actually mean thing that has affected me in the past which are majority bad stuffs.
"I never understood why people couldn’t let go of things that are making them unhappy. Like they could be so happy if they would let go of the negative thoughts and the sadness.
It’s sad guess now I understand. The sadness feels like a safe home for us, we’re so used to it, used of feeling like the world just crashed down on us, used of keeping everything to yourself, used of being the ’ nice & sweet’ person & used of putting up this smile where you don’t even believe in.
It takes so much power and courage to actually break through your safe wall and look into the world with your eyes wide open."
Goodbye, 2014.
Till then, xx.