Hi im finally back to blogging after my last 'Updates' blog post. Haven't been blogging cos i was really busy with work and also going out. Anyway, since im free now and school is about to start soon (DAMN FAST ??) i shall update my blog !
So, yesterday marked the last day of my work at Plaza Sing (unexpectedly). Well, i thought my last day would be on the 15th of Oct cos that's what i told the agency and i had also planned out my timings so that i could work with my favorite people on my last week. BUT turns out, my name wasn't on next week's schedule and i didn't receive any text about my schedule. So yeah LOLOL.
Funny how yesterday morning when i reported to work, the barista took ice and put it on my name tag. And then when i took my name tag back, he took it again and soaked it in hot water WTF. So, in order to retrieve my name tag, he used a scissors but ended up cutting it into 2. That's a tell-tale sign i guess ? HAHA
But it's a good thing cos i can finally rest (which was really needed) but at the same time, i would really miss my friends there ;-( But afew of my close friends had already left cos they either had school or they were tired of the job.
So i guess it's not that bad. Really enjoyed working there cos the people there were really nice, unlike other outlets (which i heard from my friends) and the pay is really good too (but working there is really physically demanding too).
Right now, i'll be working at JEM LOL finally somewhere that's near and i might be working on Saturdays when school starts cos they are in need of people and it's near so...
3rd Sept
Anyways, on teacher's day, my clique and i went back to BVSS to visit our teachers !!!
With Mrs Cheah hehe
Mrs Cheah is like our favourite chinese teacher who never fail to welcome us warmly when we told her we are going back to bvss. And she complimented me ;-)
With Mrs pang !! (our sec 4 form teacher)
And after visiting the teachers, we went around the school to take pictures...
This was the only successful one ??? Cos we wanted a group photo but no one was there to take for us. So we positioned the phone on a table and stood awkwardly in front of it. But it came out not bad right HAHA
We headed to Bigbox (again) for lunch and then to Jiejun's house to sleep (??) Like the moment we entered Jj's house and then into her room, Me Ziqi Cheyenne and Xuanhui went straight for the bed LOL sorry jj for having friends like us HAHA.
After the rest left, Xuanhui Cheyenne and i headed for dinner at Subway and then we had Llao llao for dessert.
9th Oct
The clique has been wanting to picnic so we decided to meetup and head to Marina Barrage for our picnic !! But LOL that day was when the haze was super bad but we still decided to go ahead with it since Ziqi insisted HAHA.
This is how bad it was that day
Our food !!
Here are what we prepared :
Me : Chicken
Ziqi : Fries
Cheyenne : Potato salad
Jiejun : Cookies and sandwiches
Therese : Oreo and sandwiches
Javier : Biscuits and tuna
After eating, we went around taking photos.... LOL as expected of us
Laying on the grass made my skin itch really bad afterwards and it was like red and looked like rashes ;-( I guess there were like pesticides on the grass and i have really sensitive skin ??
And then we headed for BINGSOO at Oma Spoon (since majority of us were craving for it)
So freaking good omg especially since we've been out in the haze and our throats were like so dry. After that, all of us headed home since we were super tired after a long day out (in the freaking haze especially)
28th Oct
Met up with Jingqi and Weekee for a meal and Maze runner. We wanted to meet at like 1pm but we were late LOL expected. And then we decided to have our lunch at my workplace. The food was super good and i had a staff discount hehe.
We then went to buy our movie tickets for Maze Runner after eating. Since the movie only starts at 4pm and we had alot of time, we decided to have dessert.
Chocolate banana Tai-Parfait with Softee and chocolate cream filling
Hmm it's okay ?? Like the softee and the crispy shell is good but the chocolate cream wasn't that nice and made me feel a little sick. It was damn hard to eat also LOL jingqi took a bite and her's leaked and dripped onto the floor HAHA
After Maze runner, Jingqi and to go off so it's left with Weekee and i HAHA so sad. We headed to Just Acia for dinner cos she's broke....
Till then, xx.