Saturday, December 13, 2014

Some updates // Hiatus

Hi guys so by looking at the title you can already know what this post is going to be about HAHA. Yes, i'll be away from blogger until my test ends which is on the 17th.

I'm happy that some of you all are still checking out this space despite the lack of posts because this month has been a really really hectic month with all the tests, projects and presentations coming up. But i'm glad that all these will be over soon (Nah, not really. They'll be back after my holidays sobs) because there is only just 1 more week to go !!!

I'll update as soon as i'm free. Even though all the tests and stuffs officially ends on the 17th but i'll still need to spend some time clearing up some overdue-d work. And yeah my work desk needs some clearing up too umm cos it looks really hideous right now.

So when my holidays officially starts on the 20th dec and ends on 4th jan. Sucks how i only have 16 days of holiday.
Some of my time will be spent on working but i'll only be working for 4 days in december. Well, this is a good thing because i don't really have much time to catch up on my school work. I will be going to Malaysia for christmas for 4 days. So 8 days, including my workdays, are just gone like that.
This means that i'll only have around 5 days for school work ?? Considering that there are some days where i'll be going out, be it with my family or with my friends. I really hope i can last through next week.

I actually have a couple of blog posts, one of it being TIB #3, that i've saved under drafts but i'm unable to post them because i'm not done editing the photos yet. I'll be back !

If you haven't seen all my previous TIBs, check them out here : TIB #1 // TIB #2 !

Till then, xx.

Monday, November 24, 2014


It has been around 1 month plus ever since school started and i'm starting to feel exhausted already. It's really like a race against time everyday and sometimes i'm just so overwhelmed that i just stopped doing everything and went for a nap.
But even so, after waking up, everything just returns back to normal again. In the end, all i do is regret taking a nap because it means that i have lesser time instead.

Yeah you might be thinking that if i'm that busy, why would i still have the time to blog ?
It's e-learning week for now so i would spend most of my time on my laptop. And, right now i just need a space to vent.

How i wished life isn't all about studying.

Also, i've did some online shopping recently during last sem's break. I'll post them asap after i'm done editing and processing the photos ! 

Till then, xx.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Finally tried llao llao after so long.
We are supposed to choose 3 fruits and 1 crunch but i only got 2 fruits instead because there weren't any blueberries ;-(

But it's really good and worth the price though! I ended up feeling really full after finishing it. Hope i can get my parents to try them too because my parents actually enjoys eating froyo HAHA.

Till then, xx.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What i have been up to lately

So sorry for the lack of posts because i am really busy even during my semester break. There are a lot of things going on and so i wasn't able to actually sit down and write a blog post. But today i can since there's no school for me for the rest of this week hurray !

Really thankful to those who are still checking out this space even though it's been ages since i've blogged. I will try to squeeze in some time to update this space but i'm not really sure if i can because this new semester is crazy.

I start school at around 9pm almost everyday (that's okay) but i normally end school later than what my timetable states. Even though there's 1 day where i get to go home at 1, that day is usually booked for makeup lessons and project work. I'm not saying that my course is tougher, it's just because semester 1 and semester 2 are so so different. Semester 1 was so relaxing then.
But still, i'm really thankful that i have fun classmates who makes boring lessons a lil bearable.

  • My job

During last semester's break, i didn't take any rest at all, literally. I found a job with Javier at a frozen yogurt shop and we passed the interview. Initially i thought we applied for the outlet at Star Vista but it turns out that we were posted to the one in Katong I12 (near Paya Lebar mrt station).
So, travelling time takes up to 1hr 30 mins.
And since the sales at Katong is a lot better, they need to make sure that there are people working there so Javier and my schedule became really packed.

Out of the 7 days in a week, about 5 days are spent on working.
Even though i did complain a lot but luckily i met really great workmates and also, the working environment is really great too.
Most of the time, my shift is from 10am to 10pm, so imagine what time i had to wake up and what time would i be able to reach home.

I'm also thankful that my dad would come and pick me up whenever he's free. He told my mum that i should quit this job, find another one instead as i often reach home really late and he says he's worried for my safety too. But i couldn't quit because my manager really needs people to work. So instead, my dad came pick me up instead.

Yes i am still working now but only on saturdays; but at Star vista which is better for me. At first i hesitated a little but since it's way nearer to my house, i agreed to my manager's request. So i'm still working but it's only from 10am to 4pm. Plus, i always spend my saturdays resting and chilling in my bed so i might as well help out my manager.
Still in the 'trying out' stage to see if i can manage my time well. If i can't, i might have to quit.

  • My blog
As i've mentioned earlier, i decided to redesign my blog again because i was getting a little tired of it and i wanted a change hahaha

My new layout :

Changed my overall theme to just black and white because hahah as you all know, i have a liking for everything monochrome so i decided that that's what i wanted for my blog too.
I've also redesigned my banner because i figured out that the previous one has too much things going on. It took me quite a while to come up with this because i don't really have anything in mind but yeah, this was what i came up with after hours.

Added a ask box too for convenience. I've switched the links for my social medias to pictures too because i think pictures look so much better and is easier to identify

And a popular posts column too.

  • Life

By "life" it can mean a lot like : school life, love life etc

So last semester wasn't really a great one so i spent sometime during my holidays to sort out my thoughts.
To be honest, my gpa wasn't good. Because of one module, my gpa got pulled down a lot. So i spent some time during my holidays thinking about my priorities and what i should do about it in the new semester.
One thing in mind was to : change my way of studying.
During last semester, i would often leave all my tutorials to the weekends or do it the day before my tutors need it. But now, i try to do whatever tutorial that my lecturer covers on that day itself so that when weekends come, i'll have time to rest and also revise if i need to.
It's been 2 weeks ever since i've done that and i'm pretty happy about it though ((although i'm starting to lose that motivation)) but yeah i'll do it.

About love life ? Nope nothing. Even though i am at the age whereby everyone around me is starting to get attached, i still haven't got anything exciting happen to me.
And that's kind of expected because y'know i can't make it when it comes to physical appearance.
It's weird how i visualize myself in 10 years to be living in an apartment with my sister and my pet dog instead of what girls usually visualize themselves to be - in a relationship with the love of their lives and spending time with them or uhm something along that line.

Yeah i used to visualize that too, a few years back, but after some time, i realised that being single can be a really good thing too. I came to that conclusion after some things that has happened in the past.
Me being in a relationship ? Nah it seems a little to far for me right now.
But to be very honest, i do envy couples whenever i see them around and i do have friends who have been together with their girl/boyfriends for a very long time now. Yes i do envy them and i sincerely hope that they will stay the same for a very long time to come :-)
Sometimes i would ask myself and think, "what would it be like if i have that someone in my life right now?"

To those who have that someone in your life, cherish them because they didn't just enter your life for no reason. Cherish them because not everyone is as lucky as you.

To those who doesn't, fret not. I still believe in "what is meant to be, will be" i hope you all do too. Don't worry, you'll find your soulmate one day.

Till then, xx.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


So right now, i'm having a semester break for 7 weeks, as i've said, till 19th oct. And even though this is supposedly 'a break' but i am still really busy; i don't really have a lot of time to rest.

10th &11th september
So the school called us back to participate in this Innovation Boot Camp and at first, like the others, i dreaded it. Because i thought it was going to be boring and useless, but of course my thought of it changed HAHA.

This camp wasn't a overnight camp (luckily because i hate overnight camps). It started at 8am in the morning and ended at 6.30pm on both days.
So i was in Group 1 with Chean shuo, Shao liang, Wee kee, Kat and Javis. Day 1 was all the boring stuffs - lectures and boring hands-on that's related to physics (well, duh i suck at physics).

Before Day 1 ended we had to come up with a prototype that could help improve lives (??) so at first all of us thought of this "tray + trolley + seat" ideal and we all thought it was a pretty good one until our PEM came and started asking us a lot of questions and all of us were like "yeah we should think of another one". After like 1 hr, we came up with a idea that involves bottles and our PEM said it's good (wow finally)

Suddenly we were all hyped up and we stayed back after Day 1's lecture and started on our prototype. Because we used cardboard to build our prototype we had to use a lot of tape to make sure that the shape is nice. Chean shuo and i said that we both are the "master of taping" LOLOL too funny HAHA

And Day 2 came where we had to present our idea to our PEMS using our ready-made prototypes and slides before presenting to the panel of judges in our respective booths. Yeah there were booths for us but our whole class didn't prepare anything fancy, serious HAHA. Other classes had like posters and banners.

When the judges came to our class, majority of them came to my group LOL we were all confused at first because after they visited our booths, they went to other classes instead of continuing down to other groups in my class.

Few minutes before the judging period ended,
Shao liang : i think we will win
Everyone : huh you serious
Shao liang : ya just now the judges were discussing and then halfway, one guy came to our booths again and asked about our prototype. If they don't want to confirm the winner, what did the guy come for.

Then finally, the mcs had to announce the top teams from each class and YES MY GROUP GOT CHOSEN. And then Shao liang looked at us like "you see, we might win".
None of us could believe it seriously HAHA and we won $100 (not each but $100 for the 6 of us)

Top team yay *throws confetti*

I was chosen as the one who does all the banking and transferring of money because all my group mates are burdens ((hehe joking, i still love y'all))

A class photo before Day 2 ended.

17th September
Met up with my cousins hehe it's a girls night out yay.
We decided to meet up at Vivo City after much discussion because y'know, girls being girls....
So we went to Soup Restaurant for dinner and it was a really good one

This is their popular dish : Samsui Ginger Chicken
It's super good man

Wasn't able to take the rest because all of us literally "attacked" when a dish came on and so i figured out that i should just eat instead.

We chatted a lot while eating like as if we're all old friends who haven't met for a really long time but still, it is a fact that we haven't met for a long time though. I have been really busy even during weekends and so i wasn't able to make a trip down to my grandma's ((usually, my extended family would have a gathering at my grandma's almost every weekend))

And then, we went to Saint Marc Café for desserts.

It's really good and the ambiance is perf, really hahah. Although, i have to admit that the price is slightly overpriced but since their desserts are really good, it's worth it.

Ended the day by taking some photos hahaha it was pretty awkward because we stood in between the walkway and struggled to fit everyone in. I swear we must have looked really weird from the back.

Birthday Celebration (8oct & 15oct)
  • 8 oct
So, Ziqi Xuanhui Jiejun and i ((the others couldn't make it sobs)) planned to surprise Cheyenne at her house since she had something on at around 10.30 tsk this burden

So yeah we also told Cheyenne's mum about it so that she can help us out a little haha
So the 4 of us met up at around 7.30 am (?!) to buy macdonalds for breakfast and also to get her a cake. At first we were all scared that no bakery would be opened so early but YES THERE IS and we got her a cake 

That girl who prayed instead of making a wish in front of her birthday cake

We slowly walked up the stairs and surprised her when she was just awake and using her phone. And yeah she hid under her blanket HAHA mission success ! It's okay la your bed hair is pretty cool although you can't see it from this pic hurhur.

Bought mac breakfast for the birthday girl and we replaced hashbrown with corn because her motto is "eat healthy".
And jj was being super funny on that day 
Cheyenne : *preparing to eat her corn*
Jiejun : eh this one you put the butter in, put back the cover and shake
Everyone : *looks at jj and laugh*
Cheyenne : what the... jiejun

Jiejun seriously hahaha all of us gave the "wtf??" face because i believe everyone knows how to eat corn right ?? Omg sometimes i can't even at her man

So we went back to her room and chat for a while
Everyone being super pale because all of us slept really late but woke up super early

I was already super tired after staying at her house for like only 1hr ??

And yeah apparently they all said that i looked like a zombie because of my dark eye circles *sniffles*

  • 15 oct

So yup everyone decided to meet up on the 15th for steamboat and so Ziqi Therese Jiejun and i decided to celebrate for the 4 of them ((again for cheyenne but this time together with the whole clique !))

Since Therese couldn't make it in the morning, Ziqi Jiejun and i had to wake up early (again) to get them a cake.
So we got one at Four Leaves as they had a bigger sized cake yay

Oreo cheesecake

So we headed back to Jiejun's house to put the cakes and rest for a bit since we were early. We initially planned to buy some other things like balloons but we figured out that they wouldn't work so yeah.

Then Therese suddenly asked the Clique group where everyone was, so the 3 of us panicked because we need to coordinate and i sort of screwed up a little but I COVERED IT UP

Therese : Where are you all now ?
Me : I still at home
Jiejun : I going to imm now

* a few minutes later*
Me : I taking shuttle bus
Javier : You said you at home
Me : *panicks* my dad sent me to jurong east la
Javier : Okay your dad F1 racer #zaikia
Me : My dad past life F1 racer

I forgot about the timing hahaha i don't know if Javier took it but yeah, THAT WAS CLOSE

So we all headed to Giant and got our stuffs and then took the bus back to Jj's house.

That amount of food..... yeah you've guessed it, we couldn't finish in the end

Awww isabel holding on to the salmon that i painstakingly sliced
 When 2 taller people finally had a chance to stand in front (a.k.a Javier and i) i got complained for blocking people

Yay i had a lot of fun even though it's just eating and chatting but i guess, it's the company that matters heh. Hope to see you guys asap alright !

Till then, xx.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


“I wish SNSD’s way down can be more beautiful than anyone else’s and that we will enjoy what we have right now. I wish we would all do things with a positive mind.” 
- Jessica jung (Win Win Ep.11, 2010)

I believe by now, majority of you have heard about the departure of Jessica from SNSD.

So on 29th september, allkpop released a post about Jessica being dropped from SNSD along with her Weibo post.

Well, just like other SONES i thought that it is probably a hoax where some sasaeng fan of SNSD hacked into her Weibo account and made such a ridiculous post.
But right after reading all the follow-up posts regarding this from Allkpop and the official statement from SM entertainment, i knew that this is it, no more OT9.

Yes, i am sad about this because i am a very big fan of SNSD. I have been a fan of them since the Gee era so you could tell how much SNSD and OT9 means to me. 
It never occurred to me that such things could happen to SNSD because i knew, and we all knew how bonded SNSD members are since they have been training together since young. They, are like sisters, like a family. 

So, i couldn't believe Jessica's words that her 8 other members wanted her out, nor can i believe that the person behind those words is Jessica herself. To me, i believe the problem lies with SM's management and not with it's idols because why ? Because this is the third group member SM has lost in A SINGLE YEAR. How could it not be the company's fault ?

To the people out there blaming the all 8 members or Taeyeon or Tiffany, think again. I can tell you that none of them wanted this to happen nor can they be blamed for this. They are under a contract with SM entertainment, what makes you think they aren't manipulated by SM ?

Plus the insider's report from Dispatch sounds really untrue too. 
One of it being : 
"Jessica apparently repeated frequently that she wanted to leave back in January and July. In January she said "I want to get married", she'd let it slip to her members that she was discussing it with the agency."
- Still remember when SNSD was on a variety show and Sooyoung (or some other member)  said that she hopes SNSD could still be together even after they are married and even with kids. The other members nodded and agreed too. 
Another member also said it herself that they want to be like the Spice Girls where their members have already gotten married but are still performing on stage together under their band name. 
So what makes you think marriage is one of the reason ? And Tyler kwon himself has also denied that he's marrying Jessica.


Just like Kris's incident, i will still support the 8 members and Jessica if it has been confirmed that Jessica is never coming back to SNSD. 
If Jessica really isn't in SNSD anymore, i will still support her because afterall, she was part of SNSD. SNSD couldn't have been popular without her, or without any member. 
And i would also still support the other 8 members for the next 3 years. But after their contract has ended, i have a feeling they wouldn't renew it ?? Because they might feel like there is no point to, with the absence of Jessica. But if they renewed it, i would be really happy for them because it shows that the rest of the 8 members still wants to stay as one.

Still being a hopeful fan, Jessica please come back to SNSD (even though, deep inside i know that OT9 has officially come to an end)

Who would have known that Mr. Mr. was actually their last comeback together as nine.
But it was a good run, girls. It's truly a shame it had to end this way. 

“I think it thanks to all the loving fans over anything else. This is not a day for us to be congratulated but a day for us to congratulate the fans. We can only shine brightest as SNSD when SNSD stand on one stage as nine.” 
- Kwon Yuri (GDA, 9th Dec 2010)

"Congratulations, SM Entertainment. You've officially fucked up. For all the brains you have, you lacked the most important thing; compassion."

I am still proud to be a SONE.
I still am a SONE and always will be.

Before i end off this post, here are a few reasons why i am still proud to be a SONE and why i am still proud of SNSD :

There are also many other awards they have won and i am glad that they've made it this far as 9, breaking the k-pop curse that no idol group can last for more than 5 years.

하지만 힘을 내 이만큼 왔잖아
(But have strength, we've made it this far)
- 소녀시대 '힘내'

지금은 소녀시대 !
 (Right now, it's girl's generation)
앞으로도 소녀시대 !
(From now on, it's girl's generation)
영원히 소녀시대 !
(Forever it's girl's generation)