Monday, November 24, 2014


It has been around 1 month plus ever since school started and i'm starting to feel exhausted already. It's really like a race against time everyday and sometimes i'm just so overwhelmed that i just stopped doing everything and went for a nap.
But even so, after waking up, everything just returns back to normal again. In the end, all i do is regret taking a nap because it means that i have lesser time instead.

Yeah you might be thinking that if i'm that busy, why would i still have the time to blog ?
It's e-learning week for now so i would spend most of my time on my laptop. And, right now i just need a space to vent.

How i wished life isn't all about studying.

Also, i've did some online shopping recently during last sem's break. I'll post them asap after i'm done editing and processing the photos ! 

Till then, xx.

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