Friday, July 24, 2015

How To Get What You Want In Life

How To Get What You Want In Life 

By : Ellen Nguyen

If you look back at your life, tell me how many times have you wanted something badly and screwed it all up? You blame yourself; you regret your actions; you wish you could go back in time and do it differently; you torture yourself with the fact that you might never have the same opportunity again. It forces you to doubt yourself, to admit defeat, to ask, “Why not me?”, believing you’re never good enough for it.

That feeling sucks, especially when no matter how much you try to lie to yourself, deep down you know you still want it. The worst part is that you don’t even know how to make it right. You’re afraid that you will mess up all the good things in your life while wondering on-end how other people could have it all together.

I have been there before. I have been that girl who made mistakes after mistakes, got myself humiliated, ashamed, heartbroken, and subsequently ruined my chances at happiness. It happened so often that I even convinced myself I did not really want what I wanted, or perhaps I was meant to look for something else.

However, over time as I learned from my experiences and started to do differently to attain my goals, I realized that it wasn’t about the things that I wanted, it was essentially about me. It is about my mindset, how I see and treat myself and the way I go about my life. It was eye-opening to me that by changing my thinking and approach, I could actually turn everything around, be well-prepared and in control.

The full article is at : Thought catalog : How to get what you want in life

Till then, xx.

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