Sunday, January 26, 2014


Life after getting back my olevel results is soooo much better because i have lesser things to worry about ! Yay so let's just focus on working and going out with my family and friends :)

Joined my mum and my sis after my work for a trip to Chinatown to shop for the CNY decorations. Though Chinatown is a really nice place to walk around but i didn't really enjoy it, partly because i was tired after work and also the fact that i HATE crowded places. But still, i love the festive decorations in Chinatown.
And just when i was about to get real bored, Ziqi called me LOL Starting we were talking about some really useful stuffs and then, our convo became really lame because apparently we were so used to talking nonsense that we were having super stupid talks 
Ziqi : Eh what you put for your choices ? 
Me : I haven't really decide yet, no time leh
Ziqi : Eh i planned mine already leh just now !
Me : Hello you dpa in already still plan what. You very free hor
Ziqi : Ya ah i super free loh , 很认真考虑 leh !
 And then i went to Vivo with my mum and sis again. My dad couldn't join us because he's working :(
So my sis recommended this Thai stall that offers food that are super nice and cheap. And and the owners are Thai people so it's authentic Thai cuisine (Y)

Yay all's at $4 each

 Hehe and my sis got me this necklace that i've been wanting for so long 

Loving it because it looks like a bullet somehow

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