Saturday, January 4, 2014

New year's lil gathering

HELLO 2014

So on the first day of 2014, Chengrui Ziqi Cheyenne Javier Jiejun Isabel Therese Wesley Joel and i gathered together for a bbq session at cr's house !

So i met up with Jave at bukit batok first before heading to Cheyenne's house to meet Ziqi and Cheyenne to go to cr's house. LOL we reached there at around 3+ only to find out that the 4 of us didn't have anything to do. Because cr simply told us to stay in the living room to watch tv since his kitchen was small.
BUT ZIQI AND I SOON SPOTTED THE SUSHI AND STARTED EATING THEM. We were stopped but we targeted the sushi fillings next HAHAH and of course, cr chased us out of the kitchen by pushing the container filled with sushi fillings to us and said " Uh okok you two take this and go out eat ok "

And then we went to look for Jj who was outside slicing tomatoes LOL

But then Ziqi Jave and I were bored so we walked to the nearest coffee shop to have a drink ! And then we went to the playground to hang around LOL Initially i was on the swing swinging happily when the metal bar started producing weird sounds and i stopped. THATS WHEN I REALISED THAT THE SWING WAS FOR KIDS. DAMN. I'm too old for that swing. So we hanged around for about 30 mins when everyone came so we waited for wesley to arrive with CHEESECAKE.  Therese Isabel and Joel played volleyball while the rest of us just sat down and chat.

We went back to cr's house after knowing that Wes was already at his house LOL. Went back and had a karaoke session (Y)

That's Joel singing while talking.

Us listening to Joel sing

And yay the bbq session started ! YAY.

Yumz. The pork and beef patties, chicken wing, steak and the wrap.

Sushi, salad and idk what is that bowl of thing with tomatoes called. And and look at the left hand side..... it's the sushi filling that we were all eating LOL just left with 2 sausages and 3 crab meat #power
The bbq pit

So while waiting for the food to cook.......

We finished everything at around 7+ pm when it was cr brother's turn with his friends. So we went up to cr's room and played indian poker and had the cheesecake that wes made. YUMZ.


Group photo !

LOL everyone trying to squeeze into the frame

Group photo at cr's balcony

With Cheyenne and Ziqi : S.B
LOL dont ask me what the initials stands for because it's gonna be damn paiseh if i say it.

and Cheyenne

This is me trying to block Ziqi's face but as you can see.... it backfired -_-

Close enough, Cheyenne LOLOLOL

With Ziqi Cheyenne and Cr !

It was a great start of the year with them yay ! But it's kind of sad when i think about the future when everyone goes into different schools, gatherings like this aren't really possible. NUUUUUUU

Anyway, happy 2014 guys !

Kekeke ending this post off with Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye winning the Best Couple Awards

Till then, xx

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