Saturday, March 8, 2014

Spending quality time with my loved ones

1st March
Went to visit Cheyenne with Ziqi Jave and Jj becos it was her last day of work there. LOL it was meant to be a surprise by us but you know.... Ziqi ruined it...
Before we went to look for her, we went to Saizeriya. Ordered with Ziqi and Jj first becos Jave lost his way and sat on a bus which took him to the highway LOL

Grilled pork + ice lemon tea + salad


Shared with Ziqi blueberry lemon waffles with cookies 'n' cream ice cream + caramel tea frappe and ziqi had her mint chocolate frappe. LOL the pics are with Ziqi but i haven't got from her so....
Then we left about 1 hour later for an impromptu shopping trip to Far East and unfortunately, we all went home empty handed.

Had dinner with my family at idk where LOL

Yumz tempura with fish fillet. Cravings satisfied ! :p

I can conclude that today is a i-love-calories day LOL hais shake head

3rd March
A visit to Botanics Garden with my sis and my mum

 Withering flowers due to the recent dry spells in sg :(

 Not bad right HAHAHA my galaxy ace phone still can take this kind of pictures

What i brought along with me + my all time fav rubi shoe

We actually planned to go to Food For Thought for lunch but we eventually gave up becos the weather was too hot and the cafe was right at the other end... Kind of sad that i didn't go there but I PROMISE I'LL BE BACK * plays 2PM's I'll Be Back *

Another photo ....
 This is prolly one of the nicest photo i've taken.... and then add some effects

Tadaaaa not bad right *smirks*

So my mum went home while my sis and i went to Pacific Coffee at Tanjong Pagar

Sis's Alto iced mocha with American cheesecake + my cookies 'n' cream chillino with oreo cheesecake #guiltypleasure

4th March
Went to have my passport and enrollment photo taken. Bought korean chicken cutlet on my way home. Haisss unhealthy but yummy.

Gonna upload my medical checkup + shopping trip next cos this post is getting too long and my arms are aching so.....

Till then, xx.

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