Friday, March 14, 2014

Weekdays are meant for work

9th March
No work day so i stayed at home to rest.

Sat down and penned down my thoughts on a notebook whiling drinking the green tea that i bought while on a shopping trip with my parents.

10th March
Ended work and i went to get the new Matcha mcflurry yum. Even though i tried it before ( cos it came out last time ) i still liked it very much. Hehe plus the weather has been really hot so eating ice cream on a weather is so awesome

At night, my family and i went to causeway point to do some grocery shopping and my sis and i came across this SASA sale. Went out with i think $20+ but i came home with only $5 left sigh

 Made in Korea yay ! 
The Vitamin C mask was given to my by my manager who went to korea she gave me 2 but i gave the other one to my sis who kept bugging me for it LOL hehe thanks Janet !
Strawberry yogurt masque sounds to yummy halp 

Made in Taiwan ! 
Super super love their packaging becos it's so cute

11th March
When boredom strikes.

 Drawing this becos i was really bored at night and i didn't want to sleep.

13th March
Ended work and yes i went to buy Matcha mcflurry again hahaha someone pls stop me


Another manager of mine got me this during her trip to Bali : Bali sleeveless tshirt + Bali passion fruit soap + handmade pouch
Thanks Diana ! :*

So this pretty much sums up my weekdays for this week hahah kind of boring cos i'm working on weekdays hais

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