Thursday, April 3, 2014

ACJC funoroma X Vivocity

So i went to ACJC's funoroma along with Isabel Javier Jiejun Eugene Chengrui Joel Cheyenne becos Therese asked us along.

#Ootd for the day

Scary dolls tee - given by my cousin
Backpack with aztec prints (which u cant see in this photo ) - from japan
High waist shorts - Cotton On
Shoes - Rubi

So we all met at 11.30 at Jurong east to head to Buona Vista's Starvista for lunch at Subway. After finishing our food, cheyenne and i figured out our 3-in-1 lens bought from Darren, our schoolmate. So the day before, cheyenne was telling me that she ordered it and it was worth it so i thought i should buy it becos i know it's going to be of use and $15 for those 3-in-1 lens are actually very cheap already.


 Tried the fish eye lens out already and it's really good.
It was a bit blur becos we were moving around. Other than that, everything's fine ;)

If interested, contact Darren at 98717155
Or visit : budgetsingapore on Carousell
contact me at 98717155 if interested #yolo . macro+fisheye+wide angle. or visit budgetsingapore on carousell.
And then we headed to ACJC and it was really crowded and hot. We walked one whole round and found a building which is cooling inside and there's ice cream sold there too ! Was having our ice cream and jave asked me to take photos becos he was bored lulz

HAHA bel looks like she's kissing the icecream LOLOL

 With da cutie bel

 And mushroom jj

 I was struggling with taking photos cos im never good at taking good photos becos i have to stand at the front. And chengrui finally helped me LOL 

 Ok cheyenne looks like she's brushing her teeth opps sorrynotsorry

 Wanted to take a photo with bel and jave and cheyenne popped out so bel covered her face with the icecream LOL

 With cheyenne but it was blur cos my camera can't handle model chong #toohottohandle

LOL fish eye lens makes my arm looks ridiculously long

 LOL-ing at jave's face HAHAH

 Love this shot ahahah if you realise, therese and bel looks a bit alike

 Wow what was i doing at the back

 Group photos yay

And then we headed back to Starvista's Black Ball and had 2 black ball signature-icy

 Super duper yummy especially eating it in a hot weather

 Photos with jave becos he kept " eh take picture ley"

Ended the day at Black Ball and i've certainly enjoyed myself (excluding the weather) becos we all managed to meet up. Hope to see you guys soon !

So then i train-ed back to Bukit Batok becos my parents were picking me up there and we went to vivocity after that. 

Bought a power bank becos my phone really needs it. ISN'T THE PINK PRETTY

Till then, xx
contact me at 98717155 if interested #yolo . macro+fisheye+wide angle. or visit budgetsingapore on carousell.
contact me at 98717155 if interested #yolo . macro+fisheye+wide angle. or visit budgetsingapore on carousell.

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