Monday, May 19, 2014


So i received my birthday gifts on my birthday itself and also from other days but i didn't open it immediately after i got home becos i was *ahem* lazy. HAHA oops.

 Gift from Isabel ;)

DKNY perfume : fresh blossom
*sniffs* Smells like heaven omg

Gifts from Cheyenne Javier Xuan Hui and Jiejun !
Hehe my fav : SNSD and EXO 

Cards from Cheyenne and Therese !
HAAH Therese's" hehe... quite fail"

Flowers from Bernice N. !
So pretty ♥.

Gifts from my 4 fav girls in poly (Jingqi Kat Majun and Weekee ) !
 They say they picked black and white becos they realise all i've been wearing are those two colours HAHAH

Till then, xx.

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