Tuesday, May 20, 2014

School X Study session with Clique

30th April 

 Tried out my school The Oven's Chicken Alfredo. Super good (Y) and cheap hehe

Bought my fav M&N cookies on my way back home.

Ugh POA.

2nd May
 Tried out my school's potato wedges becos i was bored during the 3 hours break.

Mum didnt cook so i bought this fried fish set meal from Tender Fresh. 

3rd May (study session)
Had a study session with Cheyenne Jiejun and Javier. So initially we wanted to study in the library but there wasn't any space left so..... We ended up in the cafe in the library which was quite a conducive place for me to study tho. 
 Bought Oreo Cheesecake becos i couldn't resist the temptation.
Me : Anyone wants ?
Everyone : *shakes head*
Me : Aiya you all dont shy.
JJ : Okay i try a bit.
And subsequently the rest : Eh i try a bit also
 Bought an apple drink and both Cheyenne and i shared costs. At the first sip, i have to admit that it tastes weird but after it tastes rather good hmmm.

Javier left first and then Ziqi came with her atrocious hair (she tied all her hair together and put it to one side) and all our reaction was " what.... why your hair like that" So Cheyenne left and then Jj Ziqi and I headed for our dinner. Mac again HAHA and it's always the 3 of us.

Yeap that's how Ziqi tied her hair. 

Had Mcspicy becos it's my fav yumz.

Till Then, xx.

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