Monday, March 16, 2015

40 things to keep in mind

1. If it was ‘meant to last’ it would have
2. You can’t put someone else’s happiness before yours and think you can call that a selfless form of love

3.If you can’t forgive someone for what they did, forgive yourself for trusting them

4. Sometimes you need to block their number. Even if it stings a little
5. Revenge is actually very selfish

6. If you don’t stop checking their social media, you’re never going to get over it

7. Venting is a necessity, but there comes a time when venting turns into dwelling and that does nothing but hurt you


9. People will hurt you in ways you never thought imaginable, just remember this pain will not last

10. If your best friend doesn’t approve, he’s not the one
11. You have every right to cry until you can’t cry anymore when someone has hurt you

12. We all know what it feels like to be lied to—always tell the truth

13. Not everyone can be as caring and loving as you are

14. It doesn’t matter how much progress you’ve made as long as you don’t stop making it

15. Sleep isn’t a solution but it does give you a healthy escape

16. Having somebody hurt ‘half way’ hurts wore than not having them at all

17. Pretending like you don’t care doesn’t solve anything


19, Being cruel to people just because you’re hurting doesn’t make it okay

20. How you react to the way someone treats you says more about your character than theirs

21. You don’t need anybody who doesn’t need you
22. It’s selfish to ask someone to stay when they want to leave

23. If you start to look up— this crazy thing happens and things actually start to get better

24. Keep your guard up but don’t push away the opportunities to be genuinely cared about

25. Stop wasting your time on people who don’t care about you

26. Stop hating yourself over something someone else did

27. Even if it doesn’t work out, it’s still an experience

28. Spend more time building better friendships

29. The only person you need to love is yourself

3o. Everyone deserves to be happy, even the people who hurt you the most

31. It always hits you hardest at night- push through

32. There are plenty of people who care about you, just because one person didn’t appreciate you doesn’t mean nobody will

33. There’s no better compliment than being called selfless

34. The people who are the first to be there for you are the ones who know what its like to have no one

35. If someone keeps denying the compliments you give them, they don’t hear them enough. Keep complimenting them

36. You can only trust a select few people, which you’ll figure out are the one’s you would never imagine having your back

37. Karma will do it’s job. Even if it takes so long you won’t be around to witness it

38. You can’t hold someone’s past against them, but at the same time be well aware of it

39. If you can’t accept someone in all their forms you can’t accept them at all

40. He does not fucking deserve me
Just something that i saw on tumblr and i thought i should share.
Till then, xx.

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